< Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
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Why Give?

Together, we can support our neighbors and make sure world-class health care is available to all who need it.



Invest in excellence

Your selfless dedication and generous support help ensure world-class health care has a home in our community.

Working together lifts us all up

$ 0 K+

raised for COVID-19 response

0 K+

patients treated by our Emergency Department in 2021

$ 0 M+

raised for the Emergency Services Campaign

0 %

board commitment to
Emergencey Service Campaign

$ 0 M+

lifetime giving from the Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation

$ 0 M

from Toluca Lake & Burbank families

$ 0 M+

from Entertainment Partners, Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. and NBCUniversal

0 K+

patients treated annually in our medical center

A Message From Our Leadership


Lives are being changed forever

Your Impact

A Life Hanging in the Balance with COVID-19
Gregg Garfield was our medical center’s first COVID-19 positive patient, and one of the earliest people to be diagnosed with coronavirus in the United States. Gregg contracted the coronavirus while on a skiing trip in Italy. He was admitted to Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center’s emergency department soon after his return.
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I Feel Like the Luckiest Woman Alive
"If Saint Joes hadn’t treated me so urgently 3 TIMES, I would have died. We gratefully made a gift toward the new ER and the onsite imaging that will be available quickly to patients in desperate need. It was an honor to support the new ER. I feel like the luckiest woman alive!"
Providence shines on a life
Bonnie saw her husband Walter calling from his phone. When she answered, a stranger asked “Do you know Walter Hill?” Walter had been taken to Saint Joseph Medical Center’s comprehensive stroke center.
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Now, more than ever, our community needs Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center and compassionate neighbors like you.

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Contact Us

Call: 818-847-4673
Address: 501 S Buena Vista St, Burbank, CA 91505
Email: psjfoundation@providence.org

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